Return to In-Person Qual: Considerations and Differences in Conducting In-person Qualitative Research Across Various Countries

During the global pandemic, the healthcare market research industry underwent a significant transformation, with a sharp increase in remote qualitative research methods. However, as the world emerged from the grips of the pandemic, researchers faced the task of returning to in-person qualitative research. This transition has brought with it a set of considerations and differences when conducting qualitative research across various countries.

The landscape of qualitative research underwent a remarkable shift due to the surge in demand brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. With a substantial groundwork already laid for remote work, the pandemic acted as a catalyst, propelling researchers into a realm dominated by virtual methodologies such as virtual focus groups, online interviews, and the emergence of platforms like pharma-insight’s QualStage. While these remote methods offered flexibility and accessibility, they also presented limitations in terms of non-verbal cues, rapport building, and the ability to observe participants in their natural environments.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, we find ourselves in a post-transitional phase where the true significance of in-person qualitative research comes to the forefront. The heightened reliance on remote methods has shed light on the unique value held by in-person interactions. This traditional approach has resurfaced as a paramount avenue for unlocking an unparalleled depth of insights and attaining a more profound comprehension of the subject matter.

However, returning to in-person qualitative research across countries requires careful planning, adaptability, and an understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in each location. Cultural differences, regulatory frameworks, and logistical considerations vary significantly from one country to another, making it imperative for healthcare researchers to navigate these complexities effectively. The impact of the pandemic extends beyond logistical considerations. It has also shaped the mindset and behaviours of participants, who may have developed new attitudes towards healthcare, treatment options, and personal well-being. Understanding these shifts and nuances is crucial for accurate data collection and insightful analysis.

By examining the considerations and differences associated with conducting in-person qualitative research across countries, researchers can gather data that reflect the local context, cultural norms, and individual experiences. This approach allows for a more precise understanding of the medical market landscape, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies.

As researchers return to in-person qualitative research, it is essential to strike a balance between leveraging the advantages of face-to-face interactions and incorporating the lessons learned from remote methodologies. This hybrid approach has the potential to unlock a wealth of qualitative data that is vital for shaping the future of the healthcare market research industry.

In this blog, our focus will encompass the following key areas:

Understanding the Context: Global Perspectives

To effectively conduct in-person qualitative research across countries, having an overview of the healthcare industry is important. Different countries may have distinct healthcare systems, cultural preferences, and regulatory frameworks. These variations can significantly influence the approach to qualitative research. Understanding these global perspectives is crucial for conducting effective studies.

Cultural diversity plays a significant role in qualitative research, shaping participants’ perspectives, behaviours, and communication styles. Different countries have distinct cultural norms, values, and beliefs that influence how individuals perceive and interact with healthcare systems, medical treatments, and healthcare professionals. Researchers must navigate these cultural nuances to ensure accurate data collection and interpretation. Understanding cultural sensitivities and adapting research methodologies accordingly allows for a deeper appreciation of the intricacies of participants’ experiences and facilitates more meaningful insights.

Regulatory frameworks and ethical guidelines vary across countries, reflecting unique approaches to healthcare and research practices. Researchers must familiarise themselves with the specific regulations governing medical market research in each country to ensure compliance and ethical conduct. This includes obtaining the necessary approvals and permissions from local authorities and ethical review boards. Adhering to these guidelines protects the rights, privacy, and well-being of participants, and upholds the integrity of the research process.

Each country has its own healthcare system characterised by varying structures, policies, and access to healthcare services. Understanding these differences is significant when it comes to designing effective qualitative research studies. Researchers need to be aware of the healthcare landscape, including the roles of healthcare providers, patients’ experiences within the system, and the impact of cultural, social, and economic factors on healthcare delivery. Tailoring research methodologies to align with the specific healthcare context allows for a more accurate understanding of participants’ perspectives and the broader implications for the medical market.

Language is a fundamental aspect of qualitative research. Conducting in-person research across countries requires consideration of language barriers and translation challenges. Researchers should account for language diversity, ensuring that interviews, focus groups, or observations are conducted in participants’ preferred languages. In cases where language barriers exist, employing professional translators or interpreters becomes important to facilitate effective communication and accurate data collection. The translation process should also emphasise cultural sensitivity to ensure the context of participants’ responses are preserved during analysis.

Preparing for In-Person Qualitative Research

Preparing for in-person qualitative research requires careful preparation to ensure a successful and ethical study. To conduct effective in-person qualitative research, researchers must begin by defining clear research objectives. These objectives serve as guiding principles and determine the direction and focus of the study. By establishing specific goals, researchers can tailor their research methodologies and data collection techniques to address the questions effectively.

Over the years, the significance of in-person research has become evident, particularly in projects where intricate interactions, contextual insights, and the sensitive nature of healthcare-related products and services come into play.

One prominent example within the healthcare market research industry is the testing of medical devices, such as wearable health trackers. In-person testing allows researchers to closely observe how patients interact with these devices. For instance, consider a study focused on evaluating the usability of a new wearable heart rate monitor. By conducting in-person sessions, researchers can witness first-hand how participants attach the device, monitor their heart rate, and interpret the data displayed. This approach unveils insights into user-friendliness, comfort, and potential technical challenges that might not be fully captured through remote methods. Ultimately, the data collected informs design improvements and helps create a device that seamlessly integrates into patients’ lives.

Another compelling application of in-person qualitative research within healthcare market research involves testing patient experiences with telemedicine platforms. As the healthcare industry increasingly embraces telehealth solutions, understanding patients’ perceptions and challenges becomes paramount. Researchers can host in-person focus groups or interviews to delve into participants’ experiences with virtual medical consultations. Through these interactions, researchers can explore patients’ emotional responses, gauge their comfort levels with remote consultations, and identify any barriers or concerns they might have. This qualitative approach uncovers nuanced insights that aid in refining telemedicine platforms, optimising user interfaces, and ensuring patient satisfaction.

Furthermore, in-person qualitative research proves invaluable when examining patient preferences for pharmaceutical packaging and labelling. A study centred around evaluating the packaging of prescription medications could involve inviting participants to a controlled environment where they can interact with various packaging prototypes. Researchers can observe how patients handle the packaging, assess its readability, and gather feedback on its ease of use, particularly for individuals with dexterity or vision challenges. This detailed feedback guides the design of packaging that enhances patient safety, adherence, and overall experience.

In tandem with establishing clear research objectives, designing a well-defined study is critical when preparing for in-person qualitative research. Researchers need to determine the most appropriate qualitative methodologies that align with the desired outcomes. This involves selecting methods such as individual interviews or focus groups, based on the research objectives and the nature of the research topic. Each method has its strengths and limitations, and the choice should be based on the specific insights sought and the preferences of participants in each country.

Ethics and regulatory compliance are imperative when conducting in-person qualitative research. Researchers should familiarise themselves with the local ethical guidelines and regulations in each country where the study will take place. This ensures that the research process respects the rights, autonomy, and privacy of participants, as well as complies with legal requirements.

Ethical considerations include obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring their confidentiality, and protecting their personal data. Researchers should also establish protocols for addressing any potential risks or discomfort that participants might experience during the study. Familiarising themselves with local ethical review boards or institutional review boards helps researchers navigate the regulatory landscape and obtain the necessary approvals and permissions.

By adhering to ethical guidelines and regulations, researchers demonstrate their commitment to responsible research practices, maintain the integrity of the study, and build trust with participants and stakeholders.

To ensure that you have everything needed prior to conducting your in-person qualitative research across different countries, view Pharma-Insight’s comprehensive checklist of best practices. By following this checklist, researchers can streamline their preparations, address key considerations effectively, and ensure nothing is missed.

Recruitment and Participant Selection

Recruiting the right participants is a fundamental aspect of conducting in-person qualitative research within the healthcare market research industry across various countries. The success and validity of any study heavily rely on assembling a diverse and representative group of participants who can offer invaluable insights. Employing highly effective recruitment strategies tailored to the specific characteristics of each country, including language, cultural diversity, and the unique traits of the target audience can help to achieve this.

At pharma-insight, our unwavering commitment to promoting inclusion is at the core of all our research projects. We actively seek out and engage a wide range of participants, ensuring diversity in demographics, cultural backgrounds, and healthcare experiences. Through our extensive network of healthcare professionals spanning 27 countries, we are well-equipped to execute robust qualitative research projects in more than 70 markets. Embracing diversity and inclusivity allows us to create a research environment where the perspectives and experiences of all individuals are accurately represented in our findings.

Incentive Levels

Incentive levels play a critical role in acknowledging the multifaceted challenges faced by healthcare professionals (HCPs) when participating in in-person research sessions. It’s essential to recognise that the commitment of time and energy extends beyond the actual session itself. The intricacies of not only the session duration but also the time required for travelling to the research locations must be factored in when designing incentives.

The current landscape highlights a convergence of factors that place heightened demands on HCPs’ already limited time. The growing shortage of healthcare professionals in the workforce further compounds the constraints on their schedules. Additionally, the unprecedented and continuous challenges faced in the healthcare sector, such as the ongoing pandemic and its ramifications, have significantly impacted HCPs’ availability and mental well-being. These cumulative factors underline the necessity of carefully considering the incentive structure to reflect the unique circumstances and dedication of HCPs participating in in-person research.

To navigate the complexities of incentive levels effectively, it’s imperative to seek guidance from your fieldwork supplier. Collaborating closely with them ensures that the intricacies of local markets and the specific demands on HCPs’ time are accounted for in the incentive design process. This approach not only acknowledges the valuable contributions of HCPs but also demonstrates a commitment to ethical and considerate research practices, fostering a mutually beneficial partnership between researchers and healthcare professionals.

Language and Cultural Nuances

The importance of language and cultural nuances cannot be overstated when conducting in-person qualitative research across diverse countries. Language serves as a crucial bridge for effective communication, ensuring that participants can comfortably express their thoughts and experiences. Recognising that not all participants may be proficient in the primary language used in the research, researchers often provide interpreters or translators to facilitate accurate and meaningful communication. These language experts play a vital role in preserving the authenticity of participants’ responses while ensuring that researchers can fully understand their perspectives.

Additionally, cultural nuances significantly impact the dynamics of qualitative research. Different cultures have distinct norms, values, and ways of expressing emotions, which can influence participants’ interactions and responses. Researchers must approach their work with cultural sensitivity and respect, recognising and adapting to these cultural differences. Understanding cultural nuances helps researchers build rapport with participants, create a comfortable environment for open discussions, and interpret responses in a culturally appropriate context.

To ensure accurate interpretation and analysis, researchers often collaborate with local experts who possess an in-depth understanding of the culture and language of the participants. This collaboration helps bridge potential gaps in understanding and ensures that the research findings are both accurate and culturally relevant. By embracing linguistic diversity and cultural nuances, researchers can gain deeper insights into participants’ experiences and perspectives, ultimately leading to more robust and meaningful qualitative research outcomes.

Conducting In-Person Interviews and Focus Groups

Conducting in-person interviews and focus groups is a cornerstone of qualitative research, offering a rich and immersive approach to gathering insights. These methods enable researchers to engage participants on a deeper level, allowing for nuanced exploration of their experiences, opinions, and behaviours. To ensure the success of in-person interviews and focus groups, careful planning and execution are essential.

When designing in-person interviews, it is important to create a comfortable and conducive environment that encourages open and honest dialogue. Researchers should choose appropriate locations that offer privacy and minimise distractions. Establishing rapport with participants is crucial, as it helps build trust and encourages candid responses. Using a semi-structured interview guide allows for flexibility while ensuring that key topics are covered. This approach provides a balance between structured questions and the opportunity for participants to share their unique perspectives.

Focus groups, on the other hand, facilitate dynamic interactions among participants, generating a rich exchange of ideas and opinions. Researchers should carefully select participants with diverse backgrounds and experiences to foster meaningful discussions. Skilled moderators play a pivotal role in guiding the conversation, ensuring that all participants have an opportunity to contribute. Moderators should be adept at managing group dynamics, encouraging quieter participants to share their views and keeping the discussion on track. The use of visual aids, such as concept boards or product prototypes, can enhance engagement and stimulate discussions.

Both in-person interviews and focus groups require attentive listening and observation skills. Researchers should pay close attention to non-verbal cues, body language, and emotional responses, as these can provide valuable insights beyond spoken words. Recording sessions, with participants’ consent, allows for thorough analysis and the ability to revisit the discussions later.

Logistical and Practical Considerations

When conducting in-person qualitative research, several logistical and practical considerations come into play. Researchers must meticulously plan and manage various aspects to ensure smooth execution and obtain reliable data.

One key consideration is the selection of suitable venues for in-person sessions. These venues should be accessible and convenient for participants, ensuring that travel logistics are minimised. Providing clear directions and offering assistance with transportation can further enhance participation rates. Creating a comfortable and welcoming environment at the venue helps put participants at ease and encourages open and honest discussions.

Timing is another crucial factor. Researchers should schedule sessions at times that are convenient for participants, taking into account their availability and preferences. Flexibility in scheduling, including offering options for evenings or weekends, can accommodate participants’ busy lives and increase their willingness to participate.

The duration of in-person sessions should be carefully planned to strike a balance between obtaining comprehensive insights and respecting participants’ time constraints. Researchers should be mindful of participants’ potential fatigue and ensure that sessions are engaging and focused.

Ethical considerations remain paramount in the logistical planning of in-person research. Researchers must obtain informed consent from participants, clearly explaining the purpose of the study, the nature of their involvement, and any potential risks or benefits. Ensuring confidentiality and data security is essential to maintain participants’ trust and protect their privacy.

In addition to these logistical aspects, researchers should be prepared for unexpected challenges that may arise during in-person sessions. Having contingency plans in place, such as backup locations or alternative dates, can help mitigate disruptions and ensure the continuity of the research.

Analysing and Interpreting Data

Once data has been collected through in-person interviews and focus groups, the next crucial step is analysing and interpreting the data to extract meaningful insights. The analysis process involves systematically reviewing the collected data to identify patterns, themes, and trends that address the research objectives.

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the analysis, researchers often use qualitative data analysis software to organise and categorise the data. This software helps in coding and tagging specific segments of the data, making it easier to identify recurring themes and patterns. Researchers can also use manual methods, such as creating thematic frameworks or using sticky notes to organise and categorise the data.

Interpreting qualitative data requires a deep understanding of the context and nuances of participants’ responses. Researchers should consider the cultural, social, and contextual factors that may influence participants’ perspectives and behaviours. This involves critically examining the data and considering multiple interpretations to ensure a comprehensive understanding.

Collaboration among researchers is also essential during the analysis phase. Different researchers may bring unique perspectives and insights, enriching the interpretation process. Regular discussions and debriefing sessions can help validate findings and ensure the robustness of the analysis.

Researchers should also be transparent about the limitations of the study and any potential biases that may have influenced the data collection and analysis process. This transparency enhances the credibility and reliability of the research findings.

Disseminating Findings

Effectively communicating the research findings to stakeholders is a crucial step in the research process. Researchers should consider the target audience and tailor their presentation of the findings accordingly. This involves presenting the findings in a clear and concise manner, using visual aids, charts, and graphs to enhance understanding.

Stakeholders may include healthcare professionals, policymakers, industry leaders, and other relevant parties. Researchers should provide actionable recommendations based on the findings, highlighting the implications for practice, policy, or future research.

pharma-insight is at the forefront of this collaborative journey, offering end-to-end research services that encompass comprehensive study design, meticulous participant recruitment, in-depth data collection, rigorous analysis, and strategic dissemination of findings. By leveraging pharma-insight’s expertise, researchers can navigate the complexities of in-person qualitative research across diverse countries, ultimately contributing to the advancement of healthcare knowledge and practices on a global scale


Returning to in-person qualitative research in the healthcare market is a journey marked by both challenges and immense opportunities. The global pandemic underscored the necessity of remote methodologies, yet the intrinsic value of face-to-face interactions remains irreplaceable. By understanding the nuances of different cultural contexts, preparing meticulously, and adhering to ethical guidelines, researchers can navigate the complexities of in-person studies across various countries.

pharma-insight’s commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion, coupled with its extensive network of healthcare professionals, positions it as a leader in executing robust qualitative research projects globally. By employing effective recruitment strategies, acknowledging language and cultural differences, and leveraging both in-person and remote methodologies, researchers can gather rich, nuanced data that drive impactful insights.

As we advance in this post-pandemic era, balancing the strengths of both in-person and remote qualitative research methods will be crucial. Embracing this hybrid approach allows for comprehensive data collection, ensuring that stakeholders have access to the insights needed to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies. Through careful planning, cultural sensitivity, and collaboration with experts, the healthcare market research industry can continue to thrive and innovate, ultimately contributing to the improvement of healthcare systems and patient outcomes worldwide.

pharma-insight stands ready to support researchers on this journey, offering end-to-end research services that encompass study design, participant recruitment, data collection, analysis, and the dissemination of findings. Together, we can unlock a deeper understanding of the healthcare landscape, paving the way for informed, impactful advancements in medical research and practice globally.

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